Clash of the Executive Condo (EC) vs Condo

Clash of the Executive Condo (EC) vs Condo
Photo by Victor / Unsplash

The Clash of Executive Condo (EC) versus Condo represents the comparison between two types of residential properties, each with its own set of characteristics, advantages, and limitations.

Executive Condo (EC):

  1. Ownership Eligibility: Executive Condos are subject to eligibility criteria set by the government, including income ceiling and citizenship requirements.
  2. Pricing: Executive Condos are typically priced lower than private condominiums due to subsidies and restrictions on resale in the initial years.
  3. Facilities: Executive Condos often offer comparable facilities to private condominiums, such as swimming pools, gyms, and landscaped gardens.
  4. Design and Quality: The design and quality of Executive Condos may vary but are generally considered to be of a high standard.
  5. Eligibility for Grants: First-time homebuyers of Executive Condos may be eligible for government grants, such as the CPF Housing Grant.
  6. Resale Restrictions: Executive Condo owners are subject to resale restrictions during the initial years of ownership, limiting their ability to sell or rent out the unit to non-citizens or permanent residents.

Condominium (Condo):

  1. Ownership: Condominiums are available for purchase by both Singaporeans and foreigners without eligibility restrictions.
  2. Pricing: Condominiums tend to be priced higher than Executive Condos due to the absence of government subsidies and restrictions.
  3. Facilities: Condominiums often offer extensive amenities and facilities, including concierge services, private parking, and recreational areas.
  4. Design and Quality: Condominiums typically boast high-end design features and luxurious finishes, catering to affluent buyers.
  5. Investment Potential: Condominiums may offer higher potential for capital appreciation and rental yields due to their premium location and exclusivity.
  6. Flexibility: Condominium owners enjoy greater flexibility in selling or renting out their units, without the same resale restrictions imposed on Executive Condo owners.

In summary, the Clash of Executive Condo versus Condo represents the trade-off between affordability and eligibility (for ECs) versus exclusivity and flexibility (for condos), with each option appealing to different segments of the residential property market.


The EC is cheaper as the land purchased by the Developer from GLS - Government Land Sales is lower. With all things that are cheaper, there are restrictions. When you buy an EC there is a time frame factor for future buyers to consider. An EC comes under the public housing scheme, which restricts owners from selling their home during the MOP. The MOP or Minimum Occupation Period is 5 years after the TOP. Add 3 years into construction of the EC and by the time you can sell an EC, it is 8 yrs long. It can be said that an owner of the EC ALWAYS MAKES MONEY.

Sequence of events in owning and selling EC

  • Year 1 - Place Deposit for purchase of New EC from Developer
  • Year 1 - 3 : Construction of the EC.
  • Year 3: TOP (Temporary Occupation Period) - Collection of Keys to your New EC
  • Year 3 - 8: End of MOP (Minimum Occupation Period). Owner can chose to sell their EC.

Is that true? Yes, I would tend to believe it especially in Singapore where land is scarce. So it is a near win should you be able to ballot for the EC. It is almost like winning a lottery.

After 8 years since you put the deposit, you sure make $$$. The only caveat is that you need to see through the full 8 years not not sell the EC halfway through the 8 year period. With all these considerations out of the way, the only thing that remains in question that comes to mind is not if you make money but how much you would have made if you chose to buy a private condo instead.

For example if both the EC and the condo is bought at the same time with the private condo being $100 to $150 Psf higher, After an 8 year period . the private condo may actually achieve a higher price.

The main question is unless you do not have money to purchase a condo, then you have to purchase a EC. Otherwise, the better option would be to purchase a condo which may be the best option as of now.

Finally, it may boil down to a single factor - your budget on whether you purchase a Executive Condo (EC) or a Condo