How will Interest Rate Hike impact you?

How will Interest Rate Hike impact you?
Photo by Joshua Woroniecki / Unsplash

With the Federal Reserve raising the interest rates of 0.75 % to 1% in 2 decades, it is no wonder the markets are reacting. Well, some may argue that the rate hike is that's the stock markets and it is does not affect me. That's some of the common sayings.

Fed raises rates by half a percentage point — the biggest hike in two decades — to fight inflation
Wednesday’s rate hike will push the federal funds rate to a range of 0.75%-1%.

The truth of the mattter is that it does affect you as a home owner. We lists out 2 types of impacts that home owners may experience.

Immediate Impact - Your interest on your loan will rise which means you, as the home owner servicing a loan, will have to fork out more montly to repay your loans. As the saying goes, try to spend below your means and not to over leverage your finances. Likewise, if you are a home owner renting out your home to a tenant, your profit margain may be reduced as a result.

Why is Singapoe afftected by the rise of Interest Rate when it is set by the US Central Bank also known of the FED. This is bacuase Singapore pegs its currencies to a group of currencies which no one knows the combination unless you work for MAS - Monetary Authority of Singapore.

Future Impact - The Property Market usually lags the Stock Market by 6 months to 9 months. Hence the impact of the rate hike will only be felt in 6 months to 9 months time. Hence, property prices may experience a correction 6 months to 9 months time. 

Havving said that, it is a well known fact that Singapore's real estate market is very resiliant and vibrant. Prices of real estate in Singapore even rose when the pandemic Covid-19 struck China in December 2019. Covid-19 started to cripple many industries such as F&B, Tourism, Entertainment, etc during the multiple lockdowns in Singapore and other parts of the world.

Find out more about the Impact Interest Rate Hike on your loan.