Hooray !!! Time to Collect your keys

Hooray !!! Time to Collect your keys
Photo by Tierra Mallorca / Unsplash

Of course, you would feel excitment and adrenaline rush when you collect the keys to your new home. Upon entering your home, you would probably mentally plan how to renovate your new home.

Before you pop the Champagne,

and start your renovation plans, be sure go through the list which no one really tells you about. It is difficult to ask what to check as many people do not know what to check. Hence, we have created a simple list which will aid you in your discovery.

List to follow

  • When the Developer receives TOP (Temporary Occupation Certificate) certificate from the authorities, it means the building is fit to be occupied.
  • The developer issues a NOVP letter to residents informing them of key collection and this means that residents can collect their keys and can start moving into their condo.
  • Other than residents, another group of personnel is allowed to enter the condo when the TOP certificate is issued.
  • The TOP permit essentially allows non - construction personnel to enter the site without the need to wear a hard hat. The types of personnel include but not limited to Managing Agent Staff, Security Officer, Cleaners, Gardeners, Pool Technician, etc
  • New Residents can collect keys to their new homes from the Developer's Office
  • Before you think and plan on the design or renovating your new home, new owners are advise to comb through the house to record down any defects.
  • New owners can compile the defects into a defects list and pass the list to the Developer via the Managing Agent (MA). Usually there is a standard form by the Developer or  Main Contractor for owners to lodge their defects.
  • The MA office on behalf of the Developer/ Main Contractor may request for additional information such as videos or photos to better understand the defects.
  • The MA office will liaise the Developer/ Main Contractor to fix an appointment to inspect the defects in the house.

Key Takeaways

Check for Defects before you embark your renovation journey.