Using the RMC Framework - The Investor's Mindset

Using the RMC Framework - The Investor's Mindset
Photo by Katrina Wright / Unsplash

The Purchaser's Process

Buying or Selling anything requires lots of thought process and effort. Needless to say buying a property requires 10X more effort and resources than buying a car and 100X times more than buying your lunch.

The property that you purchase is probably the most expensive item that you will purchase in your lifetime. Hence, if you are a first time owner, you would want to educate yourself first and avoid those hefty mistakes.

Manage your Risks

Everyone likes to talk about risks and how and why it is important to manage it. Investments can be in the form of property and stock investments. The reason why people make same investment mistakes over and over again is perhaps because they do not learn from their mistakes or other people's mistakes.

Imagine if only the  junior investor listens and takes the advise from veteran and seasoned investor, everyone will have the opportunity and potential to become a Millionaire or even a Billionaire. Some may call it Risk Management. We call it Risk Management and Courage (RMC) framework. The RMC framework provides investors with the confidence to manage the property investments. We will take about his in more detail in another article. #RMC

When you purchase a new TV from a store, you would want a fully functioning and not a defective TV. Likewise, when you purchase a new property from the Developer, you expect a property that is free of defect. However, this is not the case in manay situations that we have observed.

Will you ever know if the property you purchase will ever be profitable? Probably not. However, you will be pleased to know that in Singapore, you stand a very high chance to make money from your property investments. Do give yourself a longer time frame of between 3 to 5 years for you to enjoy the fruits of your initial investments.